What is PaaS?

Platform as a Service, commonly referred to as PaaS is a cloud computing category that offers an environment for developers to build applications and share or monetise their creation online. The services in PaaS are hosted on the cloud and can be accessed by the user from anywhere and anytime through a web browser with an active Internet connection.


Who can Benefit from PaaS?

Although platforms as a service are accessible and somewhat useful for everyone, there businesses and developers will find PaaS more suited for their profession.

Businesses: Can develop their own applications and software to create a tailored ring-fenced testing and development environment.

Web Developers: From developing to hosting and testing their websites, web developers can make use of PaaS environment at every step of the way.

Software Developers can also use PaaS to build applications that they can later offer as a software and generate an income from.

How it Works?


1. Creating Software Applications

Regularly used by developers, PaaS can be employed from the conception to the creation of applications, as well as for all the testing phases, which later leads to deployment.


2. Pay-Per-Use

There are also no upfront cost when you are using PaaS. Instead, you can access the service on a monthly subscription basis.


3. Choice of Features

Unlike other development platforms which you have to buy in their entirety, PaaS and it’s applications can be purchased independently so that you are only paying for the features you are interested in using.

4. Automatic Upgrades

You don’t have to worry about updating the platform over and over again, as all of this will be taken care of by the service provider. In addition, more features are also added to the platform by the service provider from time to time.


5. Management and Support

All the applications and infrastructure are managed for the customers by the service providers. Furthermore, additional support is also available for guidance and questions.


Benefits of PaaS


No Need for Physical Infrastructure: With PaaS, you will be able to rent a virtual infrastructure which comes with a number of practical and cost benefits. There is no need to make any investments in physical infrastructures or find employees to manage it.

Flexibility: You can create a platform suited to your specific needs, discarding all the unnecessary features offered. This allows more control over the tool.

Adaptability: You can change the features any time you want when the need arises. There are no strict rules that govern the use of features in PaaS. You will just be paying for the features you have subscribed to and are using.

Security: PaaS offers back-up and recovery, in addition to providing data security.